Callerya atropurpurea (Wall.) Schot - PAPILIONACEAE

Basionym : Pongamia atropurpurea Wall.

Synonym : Millettia atropurpurea (Wall.) Benth.
Whitfordiodendron atropurpurea (Wall.) Merr.
Padbruggea atropurpurea (Wall.) Craib
Padbruggea pubescens Craib

English   Lao   

Botanical descriptions Habitat and ecology Distribution

Botanical descriptions :

Diagnostic characters : Evergreen trees, bark smooth. Leaves compound with rachis swollen at the base, leaflets opposite 3-5 pairs, apex obtuse. Stipules free caduceus. Flowers pea-like, purple.
Habit : Evergreen tree up to 20 m tall.
Trunk & bark : Bole straight or leaning, bark greenish-grey, smooth, with lenticels.
Branches and branchlets or twigs : Twigs terete, glabrous.
Exudates : Exudate absent.
Leaves : Leaves compound imparipinnate, alternate and spiral. Rachis swollen at base, leaflets opposite, number 3-5 pairs, elliptic, apex obtuse, base acute, margin entire.
Midrib flat above, secondary veins obtuse, widely parallel, tertiary veins absent.
Stipules free, caducous.
Inflorescences or flowers : Flowers purple, arranged in a many-flowered inflorescence, terminal, bisexual, pedicels shorter than 0.5 cm.
Fruits : Fruit is a pod, up to 5 cm long, splitting in 2 sections.
Seeds : Seed(s) 1-3.

Habitat and ecology :

Common in evergreen forest.

Distribution :

East Asia to Philippines, Laos (Khammouan).

Remark/notes/uses :
The timber is suitable for medium construction under cover, interior finishing and panelling, , furniture, flooring, packing boxes and crates and ornamental items.

Specimens studied :
BT 100, BT 102, BT 207A, BT 434, BT 1030 (Herbarium of Faculty of Sciences-NUoL, NHN-Leiden and CIRAD-Montpellier).

Literature :
Schot A.M.1994. A revision of Callerya Endl. Blumea 39:1-40.

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