Choerospondias axillaris (Roxb.) B.L.Burtt & A.W.Hill - ANACARDIACEAE

Basionym : Spondias axillaris Roxb.

Synonym : Pourpartia axillaris (Roxb.) King & Prain.

English   Lao   

Botanical descriptions Habitat and ecology Distribution

Botanical descriptions :

Diagnostic characters : Deciduous trees, bark fissured. Exudate black. Leaves compound with hairy domatia, margin toothed. Flowers unisexual, polygamous or on separate trees, dark red. Fruit a drupe. Seeds c. 5.
Habit : Deciduous tree up to 30 m tall.
Trunk & bark : Bole straight, bark dark grey to black or red-brown, fissured.
Branches and branchlets or twigs : Twigs terete, glabrous.
Exudates : Exudate black.
Leaves : Leaves compound, alternate and spiral, glabrous, imparipinnate, leaflets opposite, narrowly ovate or lanceolate, margin toothed or not, domatia hairy.
Midrib flat above, secondary veins oblique, widely parallel, tertiary veins reticulate.
Stipules absent.
Inflorescences or flowers : Flowers reddish arranged in a many-flowered inflorescence, terminal or axillary in the upper leaf axils. Flowers unisexual, polygamous or on separate trees, dark red, pedicel up to 3 mm long.
Fruits : Fruit drupe up to 3 cm, with 5 depressions at top, with 1 large stone with up to 5 holes.
Seeds : Seeds c. 5.

Habitat and ecology :

Fairly common in hill evergreen forest.

Distribution :

India, China, Japan, Thailand, Indochina, Nepal, Laos (Khammouan).

Remark/notes/uses :
The wood can be used for general furniture. The fibrous bark can be used to make a primitive rope. The tree is often used as a fruit tree in reaforestation projects.

Specimens studied :
BT 515, BT 896, LAO 163 (Herbarium of Faculty of Sciences-NUoL, NHN-Leiden and CIRAD-Montpellier).

Literature :
Gardner S., Sidisunthorn P. & Anusarnsunthorn V. 2000. A field guide to Forest Trees of Northern Thailand. Kobfai Publishing Project. Bangkok. Thailand.

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