Dr. C. Edelin - Botanist / Project Coordinator
Dr. P. Grard - Botanist
Dr. J. Prosperi - Botanist
Dr. B.R. Ramesh - Botanist / Head of Botany Laboratory
Dr. R. Pelissier - Botanist / Head of Ecology Department
Dr. N. Ayyappan - Botanist
Mr. D. Balasubramanian - Manager of Information Systems
Mr. S. Aravajy - Botanist
Ms. K. Iswarialakshmi - Software Developer
National University of Laos
Prof. Dr. Bouakhaykhone SVENGSUKSA - Botanist
Dr. P.J.E. Kessler - Botanist
Dr. C.E. Ridsdale - Botanist
European Commission under ASI@IT&C programme
January 2006 to December 2008