Drypetes porteri (Gamble) Pax & Hoffm. - EUPHORBIACEAE

Synonym : Hemicyclia porteri Gamble

English   Kannada   Malayalam   Tamil   

Botanical descriptions Ecology Distribution Literatures

Botanical descriptions :

Habit : Trees up to 10 m tall.
Trunk & Bark : Bark grey, peeling off in large flakes; blaze light orange.
Branches and Branchlets : Branchlets brown or greyish, terete, glabrous.
Leaves : Leaves simple, alternate distichous; stipule caducous; petiole 0.3-0.8 cm long, lamina 5-9 x 2-4 cm, elliptic to ovate, apex acuminate with blunt tip, base asymmetric, margin entire, thinly coriaceous, glabrous; midrib flat above; secondary_nerves 5-7 pairs sometimes with hairy domatia at the axils at least 1 or 2 lower most pairs; tertiary_nerves reticulate.
Inflorescence / Flower : Flowers unisexual, dioecious, in axillary clusters.
Fruit and Seed : Drupe, densely rufous hirsute, seeds 2.

Ecology :

Understorey trees in dry evergreen forests.

Distribution :

Endemic to the Western_Ghats- mostly confined to Varushanad Hills and rarely recorded in leeward side of the Agasthyamalai Hills.

Literatures :

Engler, Pflanzenr. 81: 268. 1922; Gamble, Fl. Madras 2: 1300. 1993 (re. ed).

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